Cities' average distance to surface diversion sources
The average distance to surface diversion sources is expressed in kilometers. Today, cities are looking farther beyond their limits for clean water. On average, cities retrieve... -
Types of UNESCO City Networks in the Megacities
A city with a population in excess of 10 million is defined by the UN as a Megacity. The International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO has established the Megacities Alliance... -
Mean water footprint of national consumption per capita (1996-2005)
This layer presents estimations of the mean annual water footprint of national consumption per capita for the period 1996-2005. The water footprint is a measure of human’s... -
Percentage of municipal water coming from interbasin transfers
This layer shows the percentage of water sourced from watershed(s) outside the watershed within which a given city resides. On average, cities secure 43% of their water supply... -
Presence of water in 39 water points in Colombia (2013)
This layer identifies if any water was available at the water point on the day of the visit (recognizing that it may be a limited flow) in Honduras. Data was gathered from the... -
Presence of water in 237 water points in Haiti (2013-2016)
This layer identifies if any water was available at the water point on the day of the visit (recognizing that it may be a limited flow) in Haiti. Data was gathered from the... -
Presence of water in 307 water points in Peru (2013-2016)
This layer identifies if any water was available at the water point on the day of the visit (recognizing that it may be a limited flow) in Peru. Data was gathered from the Water... -
Total charges for drinking water in 2015
Total charges for a consumption of 100m³, expressed in US dollars, for 165 cities.The full data are available online. For more information, visit: www.waterstatistics.org -
Area equipped for irrigation
Area equipped for irrigation as percentage of total 5 arc-minute grid cell area. The statistics with a reference year closest to year 2005 were selected for this version 5 of... -
Area equipped for irrigation with water from non-conventional water sources
Area equipped for irrigation with water from non-conventional water sources as a percentage of total area equipped for irrigation. The statistics with a reference year closest... -
Ratio of female learners to school toilets in Namibia (2014)
Results of a baseline survey of the sanitation and hygiene conditions in schools of Namibia as a part of UNESCO’s World Map Points of Interests Initiative (2014). As an example... -
Boreholes in the Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer
This map provides information (water quality, water level, etc...) of boreholes, dug wells, springs and surface water intake points in the transboundary Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer. -
Ratio of male learners to school toilets in El Salvador (2014)
This layer presents the ratio of male learners to school toilets in 100 schools in 3 provinces of El Salvador. On average, 56 male learners share one toilet, whereas 51 female... -
Percentage of industrial wastewater discharged after treatment (2010)
This layer shows industrial wastewater that is discharged after treatment, as a percentage of total industrial discharged in some countries of the Europe and North America... -
Agricultural Water Stress in Transboundary River Basins
The Agricultural Water Stress indicator identifies agricultural water stress of agricultural land under irrigation. It is calculated as the mean annual irrigation water... -
Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Trifinio-Fraternidad, Zonation
Zonation of the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Trifinio-Fraternidad.It was approved by UNESCO International Coordination Council of the MAB Programme in 2011. It was extended... -
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in the Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer (Rainy season)
This map provides information on Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in mg/L in the Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer in rainy season (July). -
Length of distribution pipes for drinking water in megacities (2016)
Data is in kilometers.For more information, visit: http://ihp-wins.unesco.org/documents/82 -
WASH human resources capacity gaps for achieving MDG in the field of water an...
This layer shows human resources capacity gaps for achieving MDG in the field of water and sanitation. For more information, visit:... -
Percentage of population with sustainable access to an improved water source
This map presents the percentage of population with sustainable access to an improved water source for the last collected values in world cities during the period 1990 to 2006....