Boreholes Kenya - Rural Focus
The dataset covers the Counties of Turkana and Marsabit in northern Kenya. It includes borehole records with some geological and water quality measurements. It is part of the... -
TWAP Indicators for Small Island Development States
The SIDS viewer provides groundwater related information on Small Island Developing States. At present the system contains mainly information derived from the Transboundary... -
SWOT Level 2 River Single-Pass Vector Node Data Product for Ukraine
The SWOT Level 2 River Single-Pass Vector Node Data Product from the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission provides water surface elevation, slope, width, and discharge... -
SWOT Level 2 River Single-Pass Vector Reach Data Product for Ukraine
The SWOT Level 2 River Single-Pass Vector Reach Data Product from the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission provides water surface elevation, slope, width, and discharge... -
Geospatial borehole data. It includes water levels, location data, water quality, and operation status. Geospatial borehole data. It includes water levels, location data, water... -
Somalia, Springs from OpenStreetMap
Springs in Somalia extracted from OpenStreetMap (October 2024) and normalized following UNESCO's template for groundwater data collection. -
Somalia, Wells from OpenStreetMap
Wells in Somalia extracted from OpenStreetMap (October 2024) and normalized following UNESCO's template for groundwater data collection. -
Kenya, Wells from OpenStreetMap
Wells in Kenya extracted from OpenStreetMap (October 2024) and normalized following UNESCO's template for groundwater data collection. -
Somalia SWALIM wells
This dataset is part of the Somalia Water sources Information Management System (SWIMS). From the various sources listed in SWIMS boreholes and wells were selected. The dataset... -
Ethiopia, Wells from OpenStreetMap
Wells in Ethiopia extracted from OpenStreetMap (October 2024) and normalized following UNESCO's template for groundwater data collection.