Kenya - Groundwater Sources from mWater
This dataset is part of the mWater data for Kenya. It includes wells, boreholes, tube wells, and springs. Altitude data have been corrected by removing negative values and... -
Boreholes Kenya - Rural Focus
The dataset covers the Counties of Turkana and Marsabit in northern Kenya. It includes borehole records with some geological and water quality measurements. It is part of the... -
TWAP Indicators for Small Island Development States
The SIDS viewer provides groundwater related information on Small Island Developing States. At present the system contains mainly information derived from the Transboundary... -
Somalia, Springs from OpenStreetMap
Springs in Somalia extracted from OpenStreetMap (October 2024) and normalized following UNESCO's template for groundwater data collection. -
Somalia, Wells from OpenStreetMap
Wells in Somalia extracted from OpenStreetMap (October 2024) and normalized following UNESCO's template for groundwater data collection. -
Somalia SWALIM wells
This dataset is part of the Somalia Water sources Information Management System (SWIMS). From the various sources listed in SWIMS boreholes and wells were selected. The dataset... -
Kenya Boreholes - Acacia Water (Kenya Rapid+)
Overview of existing and known boreholes in each County (Turkana, Marsabit, Isiolo, Garissa, Wajir), including information of qualitative and quantitative potential (yield and...