Water Quality Dataset
Data and Resources
GA 1 stationCSV
Water Quality data (BOD, Suspended Solids and water temperature) for station...
GA 3 StationCSV
Water Quality dataset from GA 3 Station in the Republic of Korea.
GA 5 StationCSV
Water quality dataset from GA 5 station in the Republic of Korea
Paldang Bridge Water quality monitoring stationCSV
Water quality dataset from the Paldang Bridge Water quality monitoring...
Basic information | |
Resource type | |
Date of creation | |
Date of last revision | |
Metadata identifier | |
Metadata language | |
Themes (DCAT-AP) | |
High-value dataset category | |
ISO 19115 topic category | |
Other identifier | |
Keyword URIs |
Spatial information | |
INSPIRE identifier | |
INSPIRE Themes | |
Geographic identifier | |
Coordinate Reference System | |
Spatial representation Type | |
Bounding Box | |
Spatial resolution of the dataset (m) |
Provenance | |
Lineage statement | |
Metadata Standard | |
Conformity | |
Source dataset | |
Update frequency | |
Sources | |
Purpose | |
Process steps | |
Temporal extent (Start) | |
Temporal extent (End) | |
Version notes | |
Version | |
Dataset validity |