Final Project Report Friend Nile 2001-2006
This is the final report of the Capacity Building and Networking of the Nile Countries: FRIEND (Flow Regime from International Experimental and Network Data) Nile Project – Phase 1 (Budget Code: 513RAB2042). This project was successfully executed by UNESCO Cairo Regional Office and implemented by University of Dar Es Salaam of Tanzania, National Water Research Center of Egypt, UNESCO Chair in Water Resources of Sudan, University of Nairobi of Kenya and Ministry of Water Resources of Ethiopia. The overall coordinator of this project is the Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) of Egypt. The project was funded by the Flemish Government of Belgium through the Flanders – UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust cooperation. All project members express their great appreciation to the Flemish Government of Belgium for funding the project and continued fruitful co-operation with UNESCO. Furthermore, the project team appreciates the technical support and efforts of the Flemish experts leaded by Dr. Rudy Herman, Economy, Science and Innovation Department, Flanders Authority, Belgium. This report is an achievement resulted from fruitful cooperation between the thematic coordinators and research teams in the participating Nile countries. These experts played an active role in the implementation of this project.