Groundwater Resources of the World
This map provides data and information about the major groundwater resources of the world. About 35% of the area of the continents (excluding the Antarctic) is underlain by... -
Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer
The Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer is a small alluvial transboundary aquifer shared by Honduras and El Salvador. It is located in a mountainous valley and is characterised by strong... -
Sensitivity of area receiving wastewater discharges (2011-2012)
This layer presents wastewater discharge points and the sensitivity of receiving areas. Those data were collected from the reporting of European Union Member States, as part of... -
Parties to the 1992 and 1997 Conventions on transboundary watercourses
The 1992 UNECE Convention aims to protect and ensure the quantity, quality and sustainable use of transboundary water resources by facilitating cooperation, and provides an... -
Specific water consumption for households in 2014
This water consumption is expressed in liters/capita/day. The consumption of potable water is widely variable, with a large gap between cities. Household consumption per capita... -
Types of water bodies receiving wastewater discharge (2011-2012)
This layer presents wastewater discharge points and the type of water body in which used water is discharged. Those data were collected from the reporting of European Union... -
Population growth rate between 1992 and 2015
This layer shows the demographic growth rate between 1992 and 2015, and provides baseline information for the analysis of the evolution of "Millenium Development Goal (MDG) 7:... -
Transboundary Aquifers of the World (2015)
The 2015 Map of Transboundary Aquifers of the World (2015 TBA Map) shows the information presently available on the occurrence and extent of Transboundary Aquifers worldwide.... -
Percentage of safely treated wastewater used in Arab States in 2013
This layer shows the percentage of safely treated wastewater that is being used in the Arab region, mostly for irrigation and groundwater recharge. At the Arab regional level,... -
Contribution of transboundary water to the total renewable water resources (2...
Also called the dependency ratio indicator. Methods of calculation:Dependency ratio = 100 percent*(IWR)/ ([IWR] + [IRWR]) (Equation 6) IWR = SW1IN + SW2IN + SWPR + SWPL + GWIN... -
Area equipped for irrigation with surface water
Area equipped for irrigation with surface water as percentage of area equipped for irrigation. The statistics with a reference year closest to year 2005 were selected for this... -
Desalinated and/or recycled water as abstraction source for drinking water su...
Data is given as the percentage of water abstracted for drinking supply that comes from desalination of marine water and/or from recycled water. Other abstraction sources... -
Types of large flood events (1985-2016)
The information presented highlights large flood events from 1985 to 2016 identified by the Dartmouth Flood Observatory. For more information, visit:... -
Groundwater natural background quality in transboundary aquifers
The Groundwater Natural Background Quality indicators stands for the percentage of the transboundary aquifer (TBA) area where groundwater natural quality satisfies local... -
Ratio of female learners to school toilets in El Salvador (2014)
This layer presents the ratio of female learners to school toilets in 100 schools in 3 provinces of El Salvador. On average, 56 male learners share one toilet, whereas 51 female... -
Biosphere Reserves around the World
Composed of 669 biosphere reserves in 120 countries, including 16 transboundary sites, the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR) of the UNESCO Man And Biosphere (MAB)... -
Total charges for a consumption of 100m³ of water in 2015
Total charges is expressed in US dollars. The amount of total charges is derived from the addition of total charges for drinking water, environmental charges, and VAT and/or... -
Area of landfills and dumpsites in the Dinaric Alps region (2013)
Landfills are rarely properly constructed or lined and therefore represent a potential source of contamination.Solid waste in the form of hundreds of unregulated landfills and... -
Global drought severity (1901-2008)
Drought severity measures the average length of droughts times the dryness of the droughts from 1901 to 2008. Drought is defined as a contiguous period when soil moisture... -
Volume of collected wastewater in the Arab States in 2013 (in millions m3)
This layer shows the volume of collected wastewater in the Arab States, expressed in millions of cubic meters. Access to improved sanitation is largely prevalent in the Arab...