Water Family Symposium 4th of June 2024
This dataset includes pdf versions of presentations delivered during all sessions of the Water Family Symposium: Opening Session / Session 1: Scientific contribution of the... -
Approaching climate and disasters in an age of uncertainty
This publication provides case studies and insights on climate and disasters in an age of uncertainty, and is a contribution to the High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water... -
Flood Impact Assessment Maps - Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts, Zimbabwe
These maps present the flood impact of flood hazards expected in the Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts, Zimbabwe, and are evaluated at 30m resolution. -
Landslides Exposure Maps - Chimanimani and Chipinge, Zimbabwe
These datasets and maps present the exposure to landslides (return period in years) for the Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts of Zimbabwe. The maps provide a qualitative... -
Overview of the Hydro-Resilience Project
Basic information and presentation on the Hydro-Resilience Project, funded through the Flemish UNESCO Trust Fund (FUST).