Global upstream storage (2010)
Upstream storage measures the water storage capacity available upstream of a location relative to the total water supply at that location from 1950 to 2010. Higher values... -
Human Water Stress in Transboundary River Basins
The Human Water Stress indicator deals with the quantity of water available per person per year relative to the internal and upstream area water supplies, on the premise that... -
Annual amount of renewable transboundary groundwater resources per capita
Calculated as the long-term mean transboundary groundwater recharge, including man-made components, divided by the number of inhabitants of the area occupied by the aquifer.... -
Global threatened amphibians (2010)
Measures the percentage of freshwater amphibian species classified by IUCN as threatened. Higher values indicate more fragile freshwater ecosystems and may be more likely to be... -
Global seasonal variability
Seasonal variability measures variation in water supply between months of the year. -
Total water delivered to households in 2014
Data is given in m³/capita/year.The full data are available online. For more information, visit: www.waterstatistics.org -
Urban water management challenges versus intitutional and economic capacities...
This layer shows limits pose by challenges and capacities to African cities. Although the main challenges in terms of magnitude exist in the larger cities, these are also... -
Hydropower plants in the Dinaric Alps region (2013)
Water accounts for the main source of production of electrical power in the Dinaric Alps, and contribute significantly to the countries’ economies. Albania gains 83 % of all... -
Environmental Water Stress in Transboundary River Basins
The Environmental Water Stress in Transboundary River Basins indicator focuses on the water quantity aspect and considers hydrological alterations from monthly dynamics of the... -
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in the Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer (Dry season)
This map provides information on Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in mg/L in the Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer in dry season (April). -
Global upstream protected land
Upstream protected land measures the percentage of total water supply that originates from protected ecosystems. Modified land use can affect the health of freshwater ecosystems... -
Global Groundwater Vulnerability to Floods and Droughts
This map presents the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater systems and the sensitivity or resistance of those systems to natural disasters. The concept of groundwater... -
Surface water as abstraction source for drinking water supply in 2014
Data is given as the percentage of water abstracted for drinking supply that comes from surface water. Abstraction sources include: groundwater, spring water, surface water,... -
Transboundary River Basins around the World
The world’s transboundary river basins span 151 countries, include more than 2.8 billion people (around 42 % of the world’s population), cover 62 million km2 (42 % of the total... -
Trifinio-Fraternidad Biosphere Reserve
The Trifinio Fraternidad transboundary biosphere reserve is a tri-national biosphere reserve located between El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. It is the first transboundary... -
Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites)
Ramsar Sites are wetlands considered to be of international importance. The international convention which forms the basis for their identification is commonly referred to as... -
Boreholes in refugee sites
This map was developed for the WASH section of the UNHCR by CartONG. It displays boreholes assessed by WASH focal points in different refugee sites and provides information on... -
2017 UN World Water Development Report national and regional events
This layer shows events where the United Nations World Water Development Report 2017, entitled "Wastewater, The Untapped Resource" will be featured and discussed for its launch... -
Ecohydrology engineering solutions in demosites
This layer presents ecohydrology engineering solutions that are used in 20 demonstration sites worldwide, which apply ecohydrology as a way of dealing with environmental... -
Rivers and streams in the Dinaric Alps region
This layer shows rivers and streams in the Dinaric Alps region. Data were collected in the framework of the DIKTAS project.For more information, visit the DIKTAS project...