Groundwater storage change across the Indo-Gangetic basin
This 1 km resolution grid shows the estimated mean annual groundwater storage change (in cm) across the aquifer based on annual groundwater-level change and specific yield.... -
Groundwater salinity across the Indo-Gangetic basin
This 1 km resolution grid shows salinity measured as total dissolved solids (TDS, in mg/l) in the groundwater across the Indo-Gangetic basin. Methodology and a full list of data... -
Groundwater level trends across the Indo-Gangetic basin
This 1 km resolution grid shows mean annual change in water-table levels across the aquifer during the period 2000 to 2010 in meters per year. Methodology and a full list of... -
Groundwater abstraction across the Indo-Gangetic basin (2010)
This 1 km resolution grid shows the estimated mean annual groundwater abstraction in millimeters across the Indo-Gangetic basin based on data from 2010.Methodology and a full...