FRIEND/Nile Final Project Reports: Hydrological Research and Capacity Building for Sustainable Water Management in the Nile Basin (2001-2013)
Data and Resources
Final Project Report Friend Nile 2001-2006PDF
This is the final report of the Capacity Building and Networking of the Nile...
Final Project Report Friend Nile 2007-2013PDF
The FRIEND/Nile Project – Phase II (2007-2013) aimed to build upon the...
Dataset extent
Basic information | |
Resource type | Spatial data set |
Date of creation | 2025-01-27 |
Date of last revision |
Show changelog |
Metadata identifier | Final-Project-Report-Friend-Nile-2001-2006 |
Metadata language | English |
Themes (DCAT-AP) | |
High-value dataset category | |
ISO 19115 topic category | environment |
Other identifier | |
Keyword URIs |
Spatial information | |
INSPIRE identifier | |
INSPIRE Themes | |
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Coordinate Reference System | |
Spatial representation Type | Vector |
Bounding Box |
"{\"type\": \"MultiPolygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[[34.086529, 22.002508], [35.623376, 23.146886], [35.793971, 23.907034], [32.341321, 29.588436], [32.580742, 29.998298], [34.245538, 27.723721], [34.905172, 29.492946], [34.268839, 31.220535], [34.219109, 31.322917], [32.080191, 31.078709], [31.919347, 31.530375], [31.026848, 31.600446], [29.093277, 30.817439], [25.147155, 31.64969], [24.6981, 30.14884], [25, 22], [33.182633, 22.00166], [33.56408, 21.72539], [34.086529, 22.002508]]], [[[42.404278, 12.468639], [40.117357, 14.560731], [38.455373, 14.413573], [37.916324, 14.894164], [37.52289, 14.182085], [36.56034, 14.257713], [36.15517, 12.68092], [35.68944, 12.66013], [34.9724, 10.9007], [34.30122, 10.59083], [34.113246, 9.498636], [34.13978, 8.59503], [33.24761, 8.44374], [33.00678, 7.8581], [34.93833, 6.55156], [35.9477, 4.62], [39.543439, 3.404156], [40.756321, 4.284751], [41.910119, 3.982756], [43.65906, 4.86803], [44.98174, 4.9173], [47.98618, 8], [44.00586, 8.99656], [42.83263, 10.27788], [42.968055, 10.997431], [41.794979, 10.980265], [42.404278, 12.468639]]], [[[35.508736, 4.62], [34.37846, 4.62], [33.994877, 4.227892], [35.001018, 1.758732], [33.911486, 0.104927], [33.929618, -0.995874], [37.67375, -3.0615], [37.611779, -3.523578], [39.206088, -4.679598], [40.229153, -2.688805], [41.564494, -1.664431], [40.99565, -0.833333], [40.99565, 2.822], [41.910119, 3.982756], [40.756321, 4.284751], [39.543439, 3.404156], [35.9477, 4.62], [35.508736, 4.62]]], [[[37.045236, 21.35397], [37.038001, 21.353097], [37.045236, 21.35397], [36.879315, 22.00513], [35.623376, 23.146886], [34.086529, 22.002508], [33.56408, 21.72539], [33.182633, 22.00166], [25, 22], [25.000021, 19.997923], [24.000001, 19.997942], [24, 19.5], [24, 15.711113], [22.927206, 15.553553], [21.814556, 12.812325], [22.458541, 12.633374], [22.87551, 10.931369], [23.672276, 9.899666], [23.517993, 8.703815], [24.223359, 8.642151], [25.146469, 10.333117], [25.914463, 10.409922], [26.559906, 9.516376], [27.914203, 9.610167], [27.833333, 10.166667], [29, 10.166667], [29, 9.666667], [29.942266, 10.287723], [31.324364, 9.778813], [32.470627, 11.042723], [32.106579, 11.944998], [32.73666, 12.237672], [33.295834, 12.215781], [33.219044, 10.735004], [34.113246, 9.498636], [34.30122, 10.59083], [34.9724, 10.9007], [35.68944, 12.66013], [36.15517, 12.68092], [36.56034, 14.257713], [37.00204, 17.06818], [38.564434, 18.003086], [37.409393, 18.873936], [37.045236, 21.35397]]], [[[36.369205, 22.666441], [36.318626, 22.704901], [36.359829, 22.668842], [36.369205, 22.666441]]]]}"
Spatial resolution of the dataset (m) |
Responsible Party | |
Name of the dataset creator | ckan_admin |
Name of the dataset maintainer | ckan_admin |
Identifier of the dataset creator | |
Email of the dataset creator | |
Identifier of the dataset maintainer | |
Email of the dataset maintainer | |
Website of the dataset maintainer |