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On November 15, 2024 at 7:41:55 AM UTC, Gravatar Eleftherios Kaltsas:
  • Updated description of Boreholes Kenya - Rural Focus from

    The dataset covers the Counties of Turkana and Marsabit in northern Kenya. It includes borehole records with some geological and water quality measurements. It is part of the project "HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAPPING OF TURKANA and MARSABIT AQUIFERS" that was carried out by Rural Focus and SWAS WATER SURVEYS. A significant portion of the data that was required for these datasets was collected from various organizations including Oxfam, the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar, JICA, and the WRA of Kenya.
    The dataset covers the Counties of Turkana and Marsabit in northern Kenya. It includes borehole records with some geological and water quality measurements. It is part of the project "HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAPPING OF TURKANA and MARSABIT AQUIFERS" that was carried out by Rural Focus and SWAS WATER SURVEYS. A significant portion of the data that was required for these datasets was collected from various organizations including Oxfam, the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar, JICA, and the WRA of Kenya. The dataset has undergone improvements in accuracy and consistency while being normalized to align with UNESCO's groundwater data collection template.

  • Changed value of field notes_translated to {'en': 'The dataset covers the Counties of Turkana and Marsabit in northern Kenya. It includes borehole records with some geological and water quality measurements. It is part of the project "HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAPPING OF TURKANA and MARSABIT AQUIFERS" that was carried out by Rural Focus and SWAS WATER SURVEYS. A significant portion of the data that was required for these datasets was collected from various organizations including Oxfam, the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar, JICA, and the WRA of Kenya. The dataset has undergone improvements in accuracy and consistency while being normalized to align with UNESCO\'s groundwater data collection template.', 'es': 'El conjunto de datos cubre los Condados de Turkana y Marsabit en el norte de Kenia. Incluye registros de pozos con algunas mediciones geológicas y de calidad del agua. Forma parte del proyecto "HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAPPING OF TURKANA and MARSABIT AQUIFERS" que fue llevado a cabo por Rural Focus y SWAS WATER SURVEYS. Una parte significativa de los datos requeridos para estos conjuntos fue recopilada de diversas organizaciones, incluidas Oxfam, la Diócesis Católica de Lodwar, JICA y la WRA de Kenia. El conjunto de datos ha sido mejorado en términos de precisión y consistencia, y normalizado para alinearse con la plantilla de recolección de datos sobre aguas subterráneas de la UNESCO.', 'fr': 'Le jeu de données couvre les comtés de Turkana et de Marsabit dans le nord du Kenya. Il inclut des enregistrements de forages avec certaines mesures géologiques et de qualité de l\'eau. Il fait partie du projet "HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAPPING OF TURKANA and MARSABIT AQUIFERS", réalisé par Rural Focus et SWAS WATER SURVEYS. Une partie importante des données nécessaires à ces ensembles a été collectée auprès de diverses organisations, notamment Oxfam, le diocèse catholique de Lodwar, JICA et la WRA du Kenya. Le jeu de données a été amélioré en termes de précision et de cohérence, et normalisé pour s\'aligner sur le modèle de collecte de données sur les eaux souterraines de l\'UNESCO.'} in Boreholes Kenya - Rural Focus