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| "contact_email": "j.van-der-biest@unesco.org", | | "contact_email": "j.van-der-biest@unesco.org", |
| "contact_name": "Jorgen Van Der Biest", | | "contact_name": "Jorgen Van Der Biest", |
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| "description": "UNESCO member since 1946", | | "description": "UNESCO member since 1946", |
| "display_name": "Egypt", | | "display_name": "Egypt", |
| "id": "270d8222-ae4d-4049-b0d0-1c8f770d389a", | | "id": "270d8222-ae4d-4049-b0d0-1c8f770d389a", |
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| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "description": "__Flow Regimes from International Experimental | | "description": "__Flow Regimes from International Experimental |
| and Network Data.__ An international research initiative that helps to | | and Network Data.__ An international research initiative that helps to |
| set up regional networks for analyzing hydrological data through the | | set up regional networks for analyzing hydrological data through the |
| exchange of data, knowledge and techniques at the regional level.", | | exchange of data, knowledge and techniques at the regional level.", |
| "display_name": "FRIEND-Water", | | "display_name": "FRIEND-Water", |
| "id": "d9670e0f-d332-482f-acb5-91a057fcd08f", | | "id": "d9670e0f-d332-482f-acb5-91a057fcd08f", |
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| "name": "friend-water", | | "name": "friend-water", |
| "title": "FRIEND-Water" | | "title": "FRIEND-Water" |
| } | | } |
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| "identifier": "Final-Project-Report-Friend-Nile-2001-2006", | | "identifier": "Final-Project-Report-Friend-Nile-2001-2006", |
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| "maintainer": "ckan_admin", | | "maintainer": "ckan_admin", |
| "maintainer_email": "projas@cazalac.org", | | "maintainer_email": "projas@cazalac.org", |
| "maintainer_uri": "", | | "maintainer_uri": "", |
| "maintainer_url": "", | | "maintainer_url": "", |
| "metadata_created": "2025-01-27T14:36:11.599126", | | "metadata_created": "2025-01-27T14:36:11.599126", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2025-01-27T14:51:28.102790", | n | "metadata_modified": "2025-01-27T14:55:35.892507", |
| "metadata_profile": [], | | "metadata_profile": [], |
| "modified": "2025-01-27", | | "modified": "2025-01-27", |
| "name": "final-project-report-friend-nile-2001-2006", | | "name": "final-project-report-friend-nile-2001-2006", |
n | "notes": "This is the final report of the Capacity Building and | n | "notes": "The FRIEND/Nile project, implemented in two phases |
| Networking of the Nile Countries: FRIEND (Flow\r\nRegime from | | (2001-2006 and 2007-2013), aimed to enhance water resources management |
| International Experimental and Network Data) Nile Project \u2013 Phase | | in the Nile Basin through regional cooperation, capacity building, and |
| 1 (Budget Code:\r\n513RAB2042). This project was successfully executed | | applied hydrological research. Initiated under the UNESCO |
| by UNESCO Cairo Regional Office and\r\nimplemented by University of | | International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and funded by the Flemish |
| Dar Es Salaam of Tanzania, National Water Research Center of\r\nEgypt, | | Government of Belgium, the project engaged key institutions across |
| UNESCO Chair in Water Resources of Sudan, University of Nairobi of | | five Nile Basin countries\u2014Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and |
| Kenya and Ministry\r\nof Water Resources of Ethiopia. The overall | | Tanzania. The project focused on improving understanding of the |
| coordinator of this project is the Water Resources\r\nResearch | | river's hydrological regime through collaborative research and data |
| Institute (WRRI) of Egypt.\r\nThe project was funded by the Flemish | | sharing.\r\n\r\nPhase I (2001-2006) established technical and |
| Government of Belgium through the Flanders \u2013 UNESCO\r\nScience | | institutional cooperation, emphasizing four key research components: |
| Fund-In-Trust cooperation. All project members express their great | | Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Sediment Transport and Watershed Management, |
| appreciation to the\r\nFlemish Government of Belgium for funding the | | Flood Frequency Analysis, and Drought and Low Flow Analysis. Over 20 |
| project and continued fruitful co-operation with\r\nUNESCO. | | training workshops and technical meetings were conducted, enhancing |
| Furthermore, the project team appreciates the technical support and | | the capacity of researchers and institutions within the region. The |
| efforts of the\r\nFlemish experts leaded by Dr. Rudy Herman, Economy, | | project facilitated data acquisition, model development, and technical |
| Science and Innovation Department,\r\nFlanders Authority, | | publications, laying the foundation for improved transboundary water |
| Belgium.\r\nThis report is an achievement resulted from fruitful | | governance.\r\n\r\nPhase II (2007-2013) expanded on these efforts by |
| cooperation between the thematic coordinators\r\nand research teams in | | addressing new challenges such as eco-hydrology, stochastic modeling, |
| the participating Nile countries. These experts played an active role | | and erosion and sediment transport. It introduced advanced |
| in the\r\nimplementation of this project.", | | hydrological models, improved performance monitoring, and evaluated |
| | | climate change impacts on water availability in the Nile Basin. The |
| | | project contributed to enhanced scientific cooperation, strengthened |
| | | institutional frameworks, and provided policy-relevant insights to |
| | | support sustainable water resource management.\r\n", |
| "notes_translated": { | | "notes_translated": { |
n | "en": "This is the final report of the Capacity Building and | n | "en": "The FRIEND/Nile project, implemented in two phases |
| Networking of the Nile Countries: FRIEND (Flow\r\nRegime from | | (2001-2006 and 2007-2013), aimed to enhance water resources management |
| International Experimental and Network Data) Nile Project \u2013 Phase | | in the Nile Basin through regional cooperation, capacity building, and |
| 1 (Budget Code:\r\n513RAB2042). This project was successfully executed | | applied hydrological research. Initiated under the UNESCO |
| by UNESCO Cairo Regional Office and\r\nimplemented by University of | | International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and funded by the Flemish |
| Dar Es Salaam of Tanzania, National Water Research Center of\r\nEgypt, | | Government of Belgium, the project engaged key institutions across |
| UNESCO Chair in Water Resources of Sudan, University of Nairobi of | | five Nile Basin countries\u2014Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and |
| Kenya and Ministry\r\nof Water Resources of Ethiopia. The overall | | Tanzania. The project focused on improving understanding of the |
| coordinator of this project is the Water Resources\r\nResearch | | river's hydrological regime through collaborative research and data |
| Institute (WRRI) of Egypt.\r\nThe project was funded by the Flemish | | sharing.\r\n\r\nPhase I (2001-2006) established technical and |
| Government of Belgium through the Flanders \u2013 UNESCO\r\nScience | | institutional cooperation, emphasizing four key research components: |
| Fund-In-Trust cooperation. All project members express their great | | Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Sediment Transport and Watershed Management, |
| appreciation to the\r\nFlemish Government of Belgium for funding the | | Flood Frequency Analysis, and Drought and Low Flow Analysis. Over 20 |
| project and continued fruitful co-operation with\r\nUNESCO. | | training workshops and technical meetings were conducted, enhancing |
| Furthermore, the project team appreciates the technical support and | | the capacity of researchers and institutions within the region. The |
| efforts of the\r\nFlemish experts leaded by Dr. Rudy Herman, Economy, | | project facilitated data acquisition, model development, and technical |
| Science and Innovation Department,\r\nFlanders Authority, | | publications, laying the foundation for improved transboundary water |
| Belgium.\r\nThis report is an achievement resulted from fruitful | | governance.\r\n\r\nPhase II (2007-2013) expanded on these efforts by |
| cooperation between the thematic coordinators\r\nand research teams in | | addressing new challenges such as eco-hydrology, stochastic modeling, |
| the participating Nile countries. These experts played an active role | | and erosion and sediment transport. It introduced advanced |
| in the\r\nimplementation of this project.", | | hydrological models, improved performance monitoring, and evaluated |
| | | climate change impacts on water availability in the Nile Basin. The |
| | | project contributed to enhanced scientific cooperation, strengthened |
| | | institutional frameworks, and provided policy-relevant insights to |
| | | support sustainable water resource management.\r\n", |
| "es": "Este es el informe final del proyecto de Desarrollo de | | "es": "Este es el informe final del proyecto de Desarrollo de |
| Capacidades y Creaci\u00f3n de Redes en los Pa\u00edses del Nilo: | | Capacidades y Creaci\u00f3n de Redes en los Pa\u00edses del Nilo: |
| FRIEND (Flow Regime from International Experimental and Network Data) | | FRIEND (Flow Regime from International Experimental and Network Data) |
| \u2013 Fase 1 (C\u00f3digo de Presupuesto: 513RAB2042). Este proyecto | | \u2013 Fase 1 (C\u00f3digo de Presupuesto: 513RAB2042). Este proyecto |
| fue ejecutado con \u00e9xito por la Oficina Regional de la UNESCO en | | fue ejecutado con \u00e9xito por la Oficina Regional de la UNESCO en |
| El Cairo e implementado por la Universidad de Dar es Salaam en | | El Cairo e implementado por la Universidad de Dar es Salaam en |
| Tanzania, el Centro Nacional de Investigaci\u00f3n del Agua de Egipto, | | Tanzania, el Centro Nacional de Investigaci\u00f3n del Agua de Egipto, |
| la C\u00e1tedra UNESCO en Recursos H\u00eddricos de Sud\u00e1n, la | | la C\u00e1tedra UNESCO en Recursos H\u00eddricos de Sud\u00e1n, la |
| Universidad de Nairobi en Kenia y el Ministerio de Recursos | | Universidad de Nairobi en Kenia y el Ministerio de Recursos |
| H\u00eddricos de Etiop\u00eda. El coordinador general de este proyecto | | H\u00eddricos de Etiop\u00eda. El coordinador general de este proyecto |
| es el Instituto de Investigaci\u00f3n de Recursos H\u00eddricos (WRRI) | | es el Instituto de Investigaci\u00f3n de Recursos H\u00eddricos (WRRI) |
| de Egipto.\r\n\r\nEl proyecto fue financiado por el Gobierno de | | de Egipto.\r\n\r\nEl proyecto fue financiado por el Gobierno de |
| Flandes de B\u00e9lgica, a trav\u00e9s de la cooperaci\u00f3n Flanders | | Flandes de B\u00e9lgica, a trav\u00e9s de la cooperaci\u00f3n Flanders |
| \u2013 UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust. Todos los miembros del proyecto | | \u2013 UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust. Todos los miembros del proyecto |
| expresan su gran agradecimiento al Gobierno de Flandes de B\u00e9lgica | | expresan su gran agradecimiento al Gobierno de Flandes de B\u00e9lgica |
| por financiar el proyecto y por su continua y fruct\u00edfera | | por financiar el proyecto y por su continua y fruct\u00edfera |
| cooperaci\u00f3n con la UNESCO. Adem\u00e1s, el equipo del proyecto | | cooperaci\u00f3n con la UNESCO. Adem\u00e1s, el equipo del proyecto |
| aprecia el apoyo t\u00e9cnico y los esfuerzos de los expertos | | aprecia el apoyo t\u00e9cnico y los esfuerzos de los expertos |
| flamencos, dirigidos por el Dr. Rudy Herman, del Departamento de | | flamencos, dirigidos por el Dr. Rudy Herman, del Departamento de |
| Econom\u00eda, Ciencia e Innovaci\u00f3n de la Autoridad de Flandes, | | Econom\u00eda, Ciencia e Innovaci\u00f3n de la Autoridad de Flandes, |
| B\u00e9lgica.\r\n\r\nEste informe es el resultado de una | | B\u00e9lgica.\r\n\r\nEste informe es el resultado de una |
| cooperaci\u00f3n fruct\u00edfera entre los coordinadores | | cooperaci\u00f3n fruct\u00edfera entre los coordinadores |
| tem\u00e1ticos y los equipos de investigaci\u00f3n de los pa\u00edses | | tem\u00e1ticos y los equipos de investigaci\u00f3n de los pa\u00edses |
| participantes de la cuenca del Nilo. Estos expertos desempe\u00f1aron | | participantes de la cuenca del Nilo. Estos expertos desempe\u00f1aron |
| un papel activo en la implementaci\u00f3n de este proyecto.", | | un papel activo en la implementaci\u00f3n de este proyecto.", |
n | "fr": "\r\nRapport Final du Projet Friend Nile | n | "fr": "Rapport Final du Projet Friend Nile 2001-2006\r\n\r\nCeci |
| 2001-2006\r\n\r\nCeci est le rapport final du projet de renforcement | | est le rapport final du projet de renforcement des capacit\u00e9s et |
| des capacit\u00e9s et de mise en r\u00e9seau des pays du Nil : FRIEND | | de mise en r\u00e9seau des pays du Nil : FRIEND (Flow Regime from |
| (Flow Regime from International Experimental and Network Data) \u2013 | | International Experimental and Network Data) \u2013 Phase 1 (Code |
| Phase 1 (Code budg\u00e9taire : 513RAB2042). Ce projet a \u00e9t\u00e9 | | budg\u00e9taire : 513RAB2042). Ce projet a \u00e9t\u00e9 |
| ex\u00e9cut\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s par le Bureau r\u00e9gional du | | ex\u00e9cut\u00e9 avec succ\u00e8s par le Bureau r\u00e9gional du |
| Caire de l\u2019UNESCO et mis en \u0153uvre par l\u2019Universit\u00e9 | | Caire de l\u2019UNESCO et mis en \u0153uvre par l\u2019Universit\u00e9 |
| de Dar Es Salaam en Tanzanie, le Centre national de recherche sur | | de Dar Es Salaam en Tanzanie, le Centre national de recherche sur |
| l\u2019eau d\u2019\u00c9gypte, la Chaire UNESCO en ressources en eau | | l\u2019eau d\u2019\u00c9gypte, la Chaire UNESCO en ressources en eau |
| du Soudan, l\u2019Universit\u00e9 de Nairobi au Kenya et le | | du Soudan, l\u2019Universit\u00e9 de Nairobi au Kenya et le |
| Minist\u00e8re des ressources en eau d\u2019\u00c9thiopie. Le | | Minist\u00e8re des ressources en eau d\u2019\u00c9thiopie. Le |
| coordinateur g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de ce projet est l\u2019Institut de | | coordinateur g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de ce projet est l\u2019Institut de |
| recherche sur les ressources en eau (WRRI) | | recherche sur les ressources en eau (WRRI) |
| d\u2019\u00c9gypte.\r\n\r\nLe projet a \u00e9t\u00e9 financ\u00e9 par | | d\u2019\u00c9gypte.\r\n\r\nLe projet a \u00e9t\u00e9 financ\u00e9 par |
| le Gouvernement flamand de Belgique, dans le cadre de la | | le Gouvernement flamand de Belgique, dans le cadre de la |
| coop\u00e9ration Flanders \u2013 UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust. Tous | | coop\u00e9ration Flanders \u2013 UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust. Tous |
| les membres du projet expriment leur profonde gratitude au | | les membres du projet expriment leur profonde gratitude au |
| Gouvernement flamand de Belgique pour le financement du projet et pour | | Gouvernement flamand de Belgique pour le financement du projet et pour |
| la coop\u00e9ration continue et fructueuse avec l\u2019UNESCO. De | | la coop\u00e9ration continue et fructueuse avec l\u2019UNESCO. De |
| plus, l\u2019\u00e9quipe du projet appr\u00e9cie le soutien technique | | plus, l\u2019\u00e9quipe du projet appr\u00e9cie le soutien technique |
| et les efforts des experts flamands, dirig\u00e9s par le Dr. Rudy | | et les efforts des experts flamands, dirig\u00e9s par le Dr. Rudy |
| Herman, du D\u00e9partement de l\u2019\u00e9conomie, de la science et | | Herman, du D\u00e9partement de l\u2019\u00e9conomie, de la science et |
| de l\u2019innovation de l\u2019Autorit\u00e9 flamande, | | de l\u2019innovation de l\u2019Autorit\u00e9 flamande, |
| Belgique.\r\n\r\nCe rapport est le r\u00e9sultat d\u2019une | | Belgique.\r\n\r\nCe rapport est le r\u00e9sultat d\u2019une |
| coop\u00e9ration fructueuse entre les coordinateurs th\u00e9matiques | | coop\u00e9ration fructueuse entre les coordinateurs th\u00e9matiques |
| et les \u00e9quipes de recherche des pays participants du bassin du | | et les \u00e9quipes de recherche des pays participants du bassin du |
| Nil. Ces experts ont jou\u00e9 un r\u00f4le actif dans la mise en | | Nil. Ces experts ont jou\u00e9 un r\u00f4le actif dans la mise en |
| \u0153uvre de ce projet." | | \u0153uvre de ce projet." |
| }, | | }, |
| "num_resources": 1, | | "num_resources": 1, |
| "num_tags": 14, | | "num_tags": 14, |
| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2023-09-30T19:14:02.098737", | | "created": "2023-09-30T19:14:02.098737", |
| "description": "The UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological | | "description": "The UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological |
| Programme (IHP), founded in 1975 following the International | | Programme (IHP), founded in 1975 following the International |
| Hydrological Decade (1965-1974), is the only intergovernmental | | Hydrological Decade (1965-1974), is the only intergovernmental |
| cooperation programme of the UN system dedicated to water research and | | cooperation programme of the UN system dedicated to water research and |
| management, and related education and capacity development. It | | management, and related education and capacity development. It |
| addresses national, regional, and global water challenges, by | | addresses national, regional, and global water challenges, by |
| supporting the development of sustainable and resilient societies. | | supporting the development of sustainable and resilient societies. |
| Expanding a holistic understanding of water, improving technical | | Expanding a holistic understanding of water, improving technical |
| capabilities, and enhancing human and institutional capacities are | | capabilities, and enhancing human and institutional capacities are |
| IHP\u2019s main tools. IHP\u2019s work supports sound, evidence-based | | IHP\u2019s main tools. IHP\u2019s work supports sound, evidence-based |
| water governance and decision-making drawing on transdisciplinary | | water governance and decision-making drawing on transdisciplinary |
| science and technology other knowledge systems.", | | science and technology other knowledge systems.", |
| "id": "dad0de3d-1482-4db5-a469-9a3b0bcdcf57", | | "id": "dad0de3d-1482-4db5-a469-9a3b0bcdcf57", |
| "image_url": | | "image_url": |
| "2023-09-30-191429.291505combinedunescoIHPblueeng.png", | | "2023-09-30-191429.291505combinedunescoIHPblueeng.png", |
| "is_organization": true, | | "is_organization": true, |
| "name": "intergovernmental-hydrological-programme", | | "name": "intergovernmental-hydrological-programme", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "title": "Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme", | | "title": "Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
| "owner_org": "dad0de3d-1482-4db5-a469-9a3b0bcdcf57", | | "owner_org": "dad0de3d-1482-4db5-a469-9a3b0bcdcf57", |
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| "provenance": { | | "provenance": { |
| "en": "", | | "en": "", |
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| "fr": "" | | "fr": "" |
| }, | | }, |
n | "publisher_email": "", | n | "publisher_email": "projas@cazalac.org", |
| "publisher_identifier": "", | | "publisher_identifier": "", |
n | "publisher_name": "", | n | "publisher_name": "Jorgen Van Der Biest", |
| "publisher_type": "", | | "publisher_type": "", |
| "publisher_uri": | | "publisher_uri": |
| hp-wins.unesco.org/organization/dad0de3d-1482-4db5-a469-9a3b0bcdcf57", | | hp-wins.unesco.org/organization/dad0de3d-1482-4db5-a469-9a3b0bcdcf57", |
| "publisher_url": "", | | "publisher_url": "", |
| "purpose": { | | "purpose": { |
| "en": "", | | "en": "", |
| "es": "", | | "es": "", |
| "fr": "" | | "fr": "" |
| }, | | }, |
| "reference": [], | | "reference": [], |
| "reference_system": "", | | "reference_system": "", |
| "relationships_as_object": [], | | "relationships_as_object": [], |
| "relationships_as_subject": [], | | "relationships_as_subject": [], |
| "representation_type": | | "representation_type": |
| pire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist/SpatialRepresentationType/vector", | | pire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist/SpatialRepresentationType/vector", |
| "resources": [ | | "resources": [ |
| { | | { |
| "availability": | | "availability": |
| ications.europa.eu/resource/authority/planned-availability/AVAILABLE", | | ications.europa.eu/resource/authority/planned-availability/AVAILABLE", |
| "cache_last_updated": null, | | "cache_last_updated": null, |
| "cache_url": null, | | "cache_url": null, |
| "created": "2025-01-27T00:00:00", | | "created": "2025-01-27T00:00:00", |
| "datastore_active": false, | | "datastore_active": false, |
| "description": "This is the final report of the Capacity | | "description": "This is the final report of the Capacity |
| Building and Networking of the Nile Countries: FRIEND (Flow Regime | | Building and Networking of the Nile Countries: FRIEND (Flow Regime |
| from International Experimental and Network Data) Nile Project \u2013 | | from International Experimental and Network Data) Nile Project \u2013 |
| Phase 1 (Budget Code: 513RAB2042). This project was successfully | | Phase 1 (Budget Code: 513RAB2042). This project was successfully |
| executed by UNESCO Cairo Regional Office and implemented by University | | executed by UNESCO Cairo Regional Office and implemented by University |
| of Dar Es Salaam of Tanzania, National Water Research Center of Egypt, | | of Dar Es Salaam of Tanzania, National Water Research Center of Egypt, |
| UNESCO Chair in Water Resources of Sudan, University of Nairobi of | | UNESCO Chair in Water Resources of Sudan, University of Nairobi of |
| Kenya and Ministry of Water Resources of Ethiopia. The overall | | Kenya and Ministry of Water Resources of Ethiopia. The overall |
| coordinator of this project is the Water Resources Research Institute | | coordinator of this project is the Water Resources Research Institute |
| (WRRI) of Egypt. The project was funded by the Flemish Government of | | (WRRI) of Egypt. The project was funded by the Flemish Government of |
| Belgium through the Flanders \u2013 UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust | | Belgium through the Flanders \u2013 UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust |
| cooperation. All project members express their great appreciation to | | cooperation. All project members express their great appreciation to |
| the Flemish Government of Belgium for funding the project and | | the Flemish Government of Belgium for funding the project and |
| continued fruitful co-operation with UNESCO. Furthermore, the project | | continued fruitful co-operation with UNESCO. Furthermore, the project |
| team appreciates the technical support and efforts of the Flemish | | team appreciates the technical support and efforts of the Flemish |
| experts leaded by Dr. Rudy Herman, Economy, Science and Innovation | | experts leaded by Dr. Rudy Herman, Economy, Science and Innovation |
| Department, Flanders Authority, Belgium. This report is an achievement | | Department, Flanders Authority, Belgium. This report is an achievement |
| resulted from fruitful cooperation between the thematic coordinators | | resulted from fruitful cooperation between the thematic coordinators |
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