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On January 27, 2025 at 2:55:36 PM UTC, ckan_admin ckan_admin:
  • Updated description of Final Project Report Friend Nile 2001-2006 from

    This is the final report of the Capacity Building and Networking of the Nile Countries: FRIEND (Flow Regime from International Experimental and Network Data) Nile Project – Phase 1 (Budget Code: 513RAB2042). This project was successfully executed by UNESCO Cairo Regional Office and implemented by University of Dar Es Salaam of Tanzania, National Water Research Center of Egypt, UNESCO Chair in Water Resources of Sudan, University of Nairobi of Kenya and Ministry of Water Resources of Ethiopia. The overall coordinator of this project is the Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) of Egypt. The project was funded by the Flemish Government of Belgium through the Flanders – UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust cooperation. All project members express their great appreciation to the Flemish Government of Belgium for funding the project and continued fruitful co-operation with UNESCO. Furthermore, the project team appreciates the technical support and efforts of the Flemish experts leaded by Dr. Rudy Herman, Economy, Science and Innovation Department, Flanders Authority, Belgium. This report is an achievement resulted from fruitful cooperation between the thematic coordinators and research teams in the participating Nile countries. These experts played an active role in the implementation of this project.
    The FRIEND/Nile project, implemented in two phases (2001-2006 and 2007-2013), aimed to enhance water resources management in the Nile Basin through regional cooperation, capacity building, and applied hydrological research. Initiated under the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and funded by the Flemish Government of Belgium, the project engaged key institutions across five Nile Basin countries—Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. The project focused on improving understanding of the river's hydrological regime through collaborative research and data sharing. Phase I (2001-2006) established technical and institutional cooperation, emphasizing four key research components: Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Sediment Transport and Watershed Management, Flood Frequency Analysis, and Drought and Low Flow Analysis. Over 20 training workshops and technical meetings were conducted, enhancing the capacity of researchers and institutions within the region. The project facilitated data acquisition, model development, and technical publications, laying the foundation for improved transboundary water governance. Phase II (2007-2013) expanded on these efforts by addressing new challenges such as eco-hydrology, stochastic modeling, and erosion and sediment transport. It introduced advanced hydrological models, improved performance monitoring, and evaluated climate change impacts on water availability in the Nile Basin. The project contributed to enhanced scientific cooperation, strengthened institutional frameworks, and provided policy-relevant insights to support sustainable water resource management.

  • Changed value of field publisher_name to Jorgen Van Der Biest in Final Project Report Friend Nile 2001-2006

  • Changed value of field notes_translated to {'en': "The FRIEND/Nile project, implemented in two phases (2001-2006 and 2007-2013), aimed to enhance water resources management in the Nile Basin through regional cooperation, capacity building, and applied hydrological research. Initiated under the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and funded by the Flemish Government of Belgium, the project engaged key institutions across five Nile Basin countries—Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania. The project focused on improving understanding of the river's hydrological regime through collaborative research and data sharing.\r\n\r\nPhase I (2001-2006) established technical and institutional cooperation, emphasizing four key research components: Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Sediment Transport and Watershed Management, Flood Frequency Analysis, and Drought and Low Flow Analysis. Over 20 training workshops and technical meetings were conducted, enhancing the capacity of researchers and institutions within the region. The project facilitated data acquisition, model development, and technical publications, laying the foundation for improved transboundary water governance.\r\n\r\nPhase II (2007-2013) expanded on these efforts by addressing new challenges such as eco-hydrology, stochastic modeling, and erosion and sediment transport. It introduced advanced hydrological models, improved performance monitoring, and evaluated climate change impacts on water availability in the Nile Basin. The project contributed to enhanced scientific cooperation, strengthened institutional frameworks, and provided policy-relevant insights to support sustainable water resource management.\r\n", 'es': 'Este es el informe final del proyecto de Desarrollo de Capacidades y Creación de Redes en los Países del Nilo: FRIEND (Flow Regime from International Experimental and Network Data) – Fase 1 (Código de Presupuesto: 513RAB2042). Este proyecto fue ejecutado con éxito por la Oficina Regional de la UNESCO en El Cairo e implementado por la Universidad de Dar es Salaam en Tanzania, el Centro Nacional de Investigación del Agua de Egipto, la Cátedra UNESCO en Recursos Hídricos de Sudán, la Universidad de Nairobi en Kenia y el Ministerio de Recursos Hídricos de Etiopía. El coordinador general de este proyecto es el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Hídricos (WRRI) de Egipto.\r\n\r\nEl proyecto fue financiado por el Gobierno de Flandes de Bélgica, a través de la cooperación Flanders – UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust. Todos los miembros del proyecto expresan su gran agradecimiento al Gobierno de Flandes de Bélgica por financiar el proyecto y por su continua y fructífera cooperación con la UNESCO. Además, el equipo del proyecto aprecia el apoyo técnico y los esfuerzos de los expertos flamencos, dirigidos por el Dr. Rudy Herman, del Departamento de Economía, Ciencia e Innovación de la Autoridad de Flandes, Bélgica.\r\n\r\nEste informe es el resultado de una cooperación fructífera entre los coordinadores temáticos y los equipos de investigación de los países participantes de la cuenca del Nilo. Estos expertos desempeñaron un papel activo en la implementación de este proyecto.', 'fr': 'Rapport Final du Projet Friend Nile 2001-2006\r\n\r\nCeci est le rapport final du projet de renforcement des capacités et de mise en réseau des pays du Nil : FRIEND (Flow Regime from International Experimental and Network Data) – Phase 1 (Code budgétaire : 513RAB2042). Ce projet a été exécuté avec succès par le Bureau régional du Caire de l’UNESCO et mis en œuvre par l’Université de Dar Es Salaam en Tanzanie, le Centre national de recherche sur l’eau d’Égypte, la Chaire UNESCO en ressources en eau du Soudan, l’Université de Nairobi au Kenya et le Ministère des ressources en eau d’Éthiopie. Le coordinateur général de ce projet est l’Institut de recherche sur les ressources en eau (WRRI) d’Égypte.\r\n\r\nLe projet a été financé par le Gouvernement flamand de Belgique, dans le cadre de la coopération Flanders – UNESCO Science Fund-In-Trust. Tous les membres du projet expriment leur profonde gratitude au Gouvernement flamand de Belgique pour le financement du projet et pour la coopération continue et fructueuse avec l’UNESCO. De plus, l’équipe du projet apprécie le soutien technique et les efforts des experts flamands, dirigés par le Dr. Rudy Herman, du Département de l’économie, de la science et de l’innovation de l’Autorité flamande, Belgique.\r\n\r\nCe rapport est le résultat d’une coopération fructueuse entre les coordinateurs thématiques et les équipes de recherche des pays participants du bassin du Nil. Ces experts ont joué un rôle actif dans la mise en œuvre de ce projet.'} in Final Project Report Friend Nile 2001-2006

  • Changed value of field publisher_email to in Final Project Report Friend Nile 2001-2006