f | { | f | { |
n | "author": "", | n | "contact_email": "e.kaltsas@unesco.org", |
| "author_email": "", | | "contact_name": "Eleftherios Kaltsas", |
| | | "contact_uri": "", |
| | | "contact_url": "", |
| | | "created": "2024-10-30", |
| "creator_user_id": "34a3c36a-155b-48a7-a40f-702f4e73e956", | | "creator_user_id": "34a3c36a-155b-48a7-a40f-702f4e73e956", |
n | | n | "dataset_scope": "spatial_dataset", |
| | | "dcat_type": |
| | | "http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/metadata-codelist/ResourceType/dataset", |
| | | "graphic_overview": "", |
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n | | n | "groups__0__id": "", |
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| "id": "47248841-8ba7-4976-bd6a-ab2c2f852da2", | | "id": "47248841-8ba7-4976-bd6a-ab2c2f852da2", |
n | "image": "", | n | "identifier": "horn-of-africa-transboundary-aquifers", |
| "isopen": true, | | "isopen": false, |
| "license_id": "other-open", | | "language": |
| "license_title": "Other (Open)", | | "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/language/ENG", |
| "maintainer": "", | | "license_title": null, |
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| "metadata_created": "2024-05-22T06:17:21.952533", | | "metadata_created": "2024-05-22T06:17:21.952533", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2024-05-23T07:13:02.728786", | n | "metadata_modified": "2024-10-30T06:36:32.644001", |
| | | "modified": "2024-10-30", |
| "name": "horn-of-africa-aquifers", | | "name": "horn-of-africa-transboundary-aquifers", |
| "notes": "Estimated and delineated aquifers in the HoA", | | "notes": "Recognizing the value of transboundary water systems and |
| | | the fact that many of them continue to be degraded and managed in |
| | | fragmented ways, the Global Environment Facility Transboundary Water |
| | | Assessment Programme (GEF TWAP) was developed. The Programme aims to |
| | | provide a baseline assessment that identifies and evaluates changes in |
| | | these water systems caused by human activities and natural processes, |
| | | and the consequences such have on dependant human populations. The |
| | | project is the first truly global comparative assessment for |
| | | transboundary aquifers, lakes, rivers and large marine ecosystems, as |
| | | well as a thematic evaluation of the open ocean, through institutional |
| | | partnerships that hope to seed future global assessments. The project |
| | | results are envisioned to assist the GEF and other international |
| | | organizations in setting priorities for supporting the conservation of |
| | | transboundary water systems. More information on TWAP including final |
| | | reports can be found on www.geftwap.org\r\n\r\nThis portal gives |
| | | access to the map based results from the Groundwater component of the |
| | | Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme. The data shown in this |
| | | portal have been made available by national experts from countries |
| | | involved in the TWAP Groundwater project. It also includes the results |
| | | from scenario analyses using the global WaterGAP model (University of |
| | | Frankfurt, Germany) and a study on groundwater systems of small island |
| | | developing states, also called SIDS (Simon Frasier University, |
| | | Canada). More information on TWAP Groundwater, including reports on |
| | | methodology and outcomes, can be found on www.twap.isarm.org", |
| | | "notes_translated": { |
| | | "en": "Recognizing the value of transboundary water systems and |
| | | the fact that many of them continue to be degraded and managed in |
| | | fragmented ways, the Global Environment Facility Transboundary Water |
| | | Assessment Programme (GEF TWAP) was developed. The Programme aims to |
| | | provide a baseline assessment that identifies and evaluates changes in |
| | | these water systems caused by human activities and natural processes, |
| | | and the consequences such have on dependant human populations. The |
| | | project is the first truly global comparative assessment for |
| | | transboundary aquifers, lakes, rivers and large marine ecosystems, as |
| | | well as a thematic evaluation of the open ocean, through institutional |
| | | partnerships that hope to seed future global assessments. The project |
| | | results are envisioned to assist the GEF and other international |
| | | organizations in setting priorities for supporting the conservation of |
| | | transboundary water systems. More information on TWAP including final |
| | | reports can be found on www.geftwap.org\r\n\r\nThis portal gives |
| | | access to the map based results from the Groundwater component of the |
| | | Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme. The data shown in this |
| | | portal have been made available by national experts from countries |
| | | involved in the TWAP Groundwater project. It also includes the results |
| | | from scenario analyses using the global WaterGAP model (University of |
| | | Frankfurt, Germany) and a study on groundwater systems of small island |
| | | developing states, also called SIDS (Simon Frasier University, |
| | | Canada). More information on TWAP Groundwater, including reports on |
| | | methodology and outcomes, can be found on www.twap.isarm.org", |
| | | "es": "Reconociendo el valor de los sistemas de agua |
| | | transfronterizos y el hecho de que muchos de ellos siguen |
| | | degrad\u00e1ndose y siendo gestionados de manera fragmentada, se |
| | | desarroll\u00f3 el Programa de Evaluaci\u00f3n de Aguas |
| | | Transfronterizas del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (GEF TWAP). |
| | | El programa tiene como objetivo proporcionar una evaluaci\u00f3n de |
| | | referencia que identifique y eval\u00fae los cambios en estos sistemas |
| | | h\u00eddricos causados por actividades humanas y procesos naturales, y |
| | | las consecuencias que tienen sobre las poblaciones humanas |
| | | dependientes. El proyecto es la primera evaluaci\u00f3n comparativa |
| | | verdaderamente global de acu\u00edferos, lagos, r\u00edos y grandes |
| | | ecosistemas marinos transfronterizos, as\u00ed como una |
| | | evaluaci\u00f3n tem\u00e1tica del oc\u00e9ano abierto, a trav\u00e9s |
| | | de asociaciones institucionales que esperan sembrar futuras |
| | | evaluaciones globales. Los resultados del proyecto est\u00e1n |
| | | destinados a ayudar al GEF y a otras organizaciones internacionales a |
| | | establecer prioridades para apoyar la conservaci\u00f3n de los |
| | | sistemas h\u00eddricos transfronterizos. M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n |
| | | sobre TWAP, incluidos los informes finales, se puede encontrar en |
| | | www.geftwap.org\r\n\r\nEste portal da acceso a los resultados basados |
| | | en mapas del componente de aguas subterr\u00e1neas del Programa de |
| | | Evaluaci\u00f3n de Aguas Transfronterizas. Los datos mostrados en este |
| | | portal han sido proporcionados por expertos nacionales de los |
| | | pa\u00edses involucrados en el proyecto TWAP de aguas |
| | | subterr\u00e1neas. Tambi\u00e9n incluye los resultados de |
| | | an\u00e1lisis de escenarios usando el modelo global WaterGAP |
| | | (Universidad de Fr\u00e1ncfort, Alemania) y un estudio sobre los |
| | | sistemas de aguas subterr\u00e1neas de los peque\u00f1os estados |
| | | insulares en desarrollo, tambi\u00e9n llamados SIDS (Simon Fraser |
| | | University, Canad\u00e1). M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre TWAP |
| | | Groundwater, incluidos los informes sobre metodolog\u00eda y |
| | | resultados, se puede encontrar en www.twap.isarm.org\r\n\r\n", |
| | | "fr": "Reconnaissant la valeur des syst\u00e8mes aquatiques |
| | | transfrontaliers et le fait que beaucoup d\u2019entre eux continuent |
| | | de se d\u00e9grader et sont g\u00e9r\u00e9s de mani\u00e8re |
| | | fragment\u00e9e, le Programme d\u2019\u00c9valuation des Eaux |
| | | Transfrontali\u00e8res du Fonds pour l\u2019Environnement Mondial (GEF |
| | | TWAP) a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9velopp\u00e9. Ce programme vise \u00e0 |
| | | fournir une \u00e9valuation de base qui identifie et \u00e9value les |
| | | changements dans ces syst\u00e8mes aquatiques dus aux activit\u00e9s |
| | | humaines et aux processus naturels, ainsi que les cons\u00e9quences de |
| | | ces changements sur les populations humaines d\u00e9pendantes. Ce |
| | | projet est la premi\u00e8re \u00e9valuation comparative |
| | | v\u00e9ritablement mondiale des aquif\u00e8res, des lacs, des |
| | | rivi\u00e8res et des grands \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes marins |
| | | transfrontaliers, ainsi qu'une \u00e9valuation th\u00e9matique de |
| | | l\u2019oc\u00e9an ouvert, via des partenariats institutionnels qui |
| | | esp\u00e8rent encourager de futures \u00e9valuations mondiales. Les |
| | | r\u00e9sultats du projet visent \u00e0 aider le GEF et d'autres |
| | | organisations internationales \u00e0 \u00e9tablir des priorit\u00e9s |
| | | pour soutenir la conservation des syst\u00e8mes aquatiques |
| | | transfrontaliers. Plus d'informations sur TWAP, y compris les rapports |
| | | finaux, peuvent \u00eatre trouv\u00e9es sur www.geftwap.org\r\n\r\nCe |
| | | portail donne acc\u00e8s aux r\u00e9sultats cartographiques du |
| | | composant eau souterraine du Programme d'\u00c9valuation des Eaux |
| | | Transfrontali\u00e8res. Les donn\u00e9es pr\u00e9sent\u00e9es dans ce |
| | | portail ont \u00e9t\u00e9 fournies par des experts nationaux des pays |
| | | participant au projet TWAP sur les eaux souterraines. Il comprend |
| | | \u00e9galement les r\u00e9sultats d'analyses de sc\u00e9narios |
| | | utilisant le mod\u00e8le mondial WaterGAP (Universit\u00e9 de |
| | | Francfort, Allemagne) et une \u00e9tude sur les syst\u00e8mes d'eaux |
| | | souterraines des petits \u00c9tats insulaires en d\u00e9veloppement, |
| | | \u00e9galement appel\u00e9s SIDS (Universit\u00e9 Simon Fraser, |
| | | Canada). Plus d'informations sur TWAP Groundwater, y compris des |
| | | rapports sur la m\u00e9thodologie et les r\u00e9sultats, peuvent |
| | | \u00eatre trouv\u00e9es sur www.twap.isarm.org\r\n\r\n" |
| | | }, |
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| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2024-05-17T14:24:32.291855", | | "created": "2024-05-17T14:24:32.291855", |
n | "description": "UNESCO Nairobi is the Multisectoral Regional | n | "description": "Groundwater Data Collection for the Borderlands of |
| Office for Eastern Africa. Since 2011, the office covers: Comoros, | | the Horn of Africa. Enhancing groundwater access, improving |
| Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, | | livelihoods, and promoting peace targeting over a million people and |
| Seychelles, Tanzania, Somalia, South Sudan and Uganda. ", | | two million livestock through a multi-faceted approach including GIS |
| | | and IMS integration.\r\n", |
| "id": "c35cea1b-9c15-4aa5-b1ac-4caeb0ce3cd9", | | "id": "c35cea1b-9c15-4aa5-b1ac-4caeb0ce3cd9", |
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| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
n | "title": "UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa", | n | "title": "UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa - Nairobi", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
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| | | "title_translated": { |
| | | "en": "HoA Transboundary Aquifers", |
| | | "es": "Acu\u00edferos Transfronterizos del Cuerno de \u00c1frica", |
| | | "fr": "Aquif\u00e8res Transfrontaliers de la Corne de l'Afrique" |
| | | }, |
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