WASH human resources capacity gaps for achieving full service coverage in the...
This layer shows human resources capacity gaps for achieving full service coverage in the field of management and finance.For more information, visit:... -
Urban water management challenges versus intitutional and economic capacities...
This layer shows limits pose by challenges and capacities to African cities. Although the main challenges in terms of magnitude exist in the larger cities, these are also... -
Dams in Central Asia
This map provides detailed information about dams (e.g. uses, capacity, ...) in Central Asia.For more information, visit FAO AQUASTAT Dams Geo-referenced database:... -
Global groundwater stress (1958-2000)
Groundwater stress measures the ratio of groundwater withdrawal relative to its recharge rate over a given aquifer. Values above one indicate where unsustainable groundwater... -
Transboundary aquifer vulnerability to climate change (2014)
Transboundary aquifer vulnerability to climate change is calculated as the extent of expected groundwater budget regime change in response to change in climate. A high... -
Presence of water in 980 water points in Guatemala (2013-2016)
This layer identifies if any water was available at the water point on the day of the visit (recognizing that it may be a limited flow) in Guatemala. Data was gathered from the... -
Ratio of male learners to school toilets in Peru (2016)
This layer presents the ratio of female learners to school toilets in 53 schools in Lima province, Peru. On average, 30 female learners share one toilet, and 36 male learners... -
Global flood occurence (1985-2011)
Flood occurrences is the number of flood recorded from 1985 to 2011. Flood counts were calculated by intersecting hydrological units with estimated flood extent polygons. -
Wastewater coverage in megacities (2016)
Data is expressed as the percentage of households connected to the sewage network. -
World Rivers
The dataset presents 687 rivers associated to 405 Major River Basins.Data was collected within the framework of the BGR-UNESCO "World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment... -
Dams in South America
This map provides detailed information about dams (e.g. uses, capacity, ...) in South America.For more information, visit FAO AQUASTAT Dams Geo-referenced database:... -
Ratio of female learners to school toilets in Peru (2016)
This layer presents the ratio of female learners to school toilets in 53 schools in Lima province, Peru. On average, 30 female learners share one toilet, and 36 male learners... -
Hydrogeological map of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System
Groundwaters of the Dinaric Karst form some of the world's largest karst aquifer systems. The Dinaric region contains huge amounts of high quality groundwater. It is one of the... -
Large Aquifer Systems of the World
This map presents the delineation of world's 37 largest aquifer systems. For more information, visit: www.whymap.org -
Cities largely dependent on groundwater
This map presents cities largely dependent on groundwater.For more information, visit: www.whymap.org -
Groundwater Resources of the World
This map provides data and information about the major groundwater resources of the world. About 35% of the area of the continents (excluding the Antarctic) is underlain by... -
Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer
The Ocotepeque-Citala Aquifer is a small alluvial transboundary aquifer shared by Honduras and El Salvador. It is located in a mountainous valley and is characterised by strong... -
Sensitivity of area receiving wastewater discharges (2011-2012)
This layer presents wastewater discharge points and the sensitivity of receiving areas. Those data were collected from the reporting of European Union Member States, as part of... -
Parties to the 1992 and 1997 Conventions on transboundary watercourses
The 1992 UNECE Convention aims to protect and ensure the quantity, quality and sustainable use of transboundary water resources by facilitating cooperation, and provides an... -
Specific water consumption for households in 2014
This water consumption is expressed in liters/capita/day. The consumption of potable water is widely variable, with a large gap between cities. Household consumption per capita...